
Spicy Roasted Chickpeas with Agave and Rosemary

A roasted chickpea craze is sweeping the nation, everyone. Actually, it has been for about a year. I can't turn around without bumping into another recipe for these in the world of food online. If you don't believe me, please click on this: (more ways to prepare roasted chickpeas). Here you will find no less than 15 flavor combinations to choose from. I'm not kidding. 

My parents' neighbor, the very talented Marika Felactu, brings them the most delicious spiced nuts. I have tried both her pecans and cashews. When my mom had them out last weekend during our visit, I had to have the recipe. Marika uses butter, brown sugar or maple syrup, rosemary and cayenne and was kind enough to email instructions over. I decided to fuse the two ideas. 

I omitted the butter and substituted olive oil, and also swapped the sugar/maple for agave nectar. These are a super healthy, tasty, and addictive snack to have around. But remember that they are beans, after all. So it's probably wise to control yourself.  :)

                   1 lb. dried chickpeas
                   2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
                   1/2 teaspoon salt
                   1 tablespoon agave nectar
                   2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped
                   1-2 teaspoons cayenne (depending on your taste)
Soak the chickpeas in enough water to cover by 3 inches overnight or for at least 8 hours. You can also use canned, in which case skip this step altogether and jump right in.

Toss them with the salt and 1/2 tablespoon of the oil, and toast at 350 for 45-50 minutes, or until golden and crunchy (try one). Set them aside.

When the chickpeas are almost done toasting, warm the rest of the oil in a small skillet over low heat. Add the agave and swirl around to combine. Add the rosemary and sautee until fragrant for a couple of minutes. Lastly, add the cayenne and combine well.

Allow the chickpeas to cool, and then put them in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Pour the oil mixture over and toss well. Add salt to taste. Store in an airtight container.

Adapted from recipes by thekitchn.com and Marika Felactu.

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